Wedding bouquet with ranunculus and delicate roses


Delicate wedding bouquet of a classic round shape on a bouquette holder. The combination of white ranuncous and freesia creates a festive mood with a spring scent. The bouquet is like a pink cloud in the hands of a fragile bride.


A delicate wedding bouquet of a classic round shape, beautifully arranged on a bouquet holder for added elegance and ease. The harmonious combination of pristine white ranunculus and fragrant freesia creates a festive mood, filling the air with the fresh, uplifting scent of spring. This bouquet, with its soft, dreamy appearance, resembles a gentle pink cloud resting in the hands of a graceful bride, adding a touch of whimsy and romance to her special day. Perfect for a bride seeking a timeless yet ethereal floral arrangement that enhances her beauty and charm.


roses of White Ohara and Pink Mondial varieties, freesia, ranunculus, eustoma, rep ribbon, pearl decor.

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