Wedding bouquet with peony roses


Light wedding bouquet with spreading eucalyptus and powdery succulents. Delicate and sophisticated bouquet is assembled on a portbouquet holder, which allows flowers to stay without water for a long time, keeping a fresh look. The noble peony roses of the David Austin variety, which are part of the bouquet, add richness and style to the bouquet.


A light and airy wedding bouquet featuring cascading eucalyptus and soft, powdery succulents, creating a perfect balance of elegance and natural beauty. This delicate yet sophisticated arrangement is crafted on a portbouquet holder, allowing the flowers to retain their freshness for an extended period without water. The bouquet is enriched with the exquisite David Austin peony roses, whose lush, noble blooms add a touch of opulence and refined style. Ideal for the bride seeking a modern yet timeless bouquet that combines rustic charm with luxurious floral elements.


roses varieties David Austin, Pink Mondial and Bombastic, echeveria, eucalyptus, ornithogalum, nerine, eustoma, ribbons

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